
Front line Demonstrations-(Oil seeds and pulses)

The Front line demonstrations on oilseed crops (toria, sarson) and pulses (lentil) are conducted on farmers field every year during Rabi season. Under FLDs, latest components are demonstrated i.e. latest released varieties, fertilizers and micronutrients, biofungicides for respective crop. Agriculture implements to reduce drudgery of women and technologies to reduce cost of production etc. are also introduced.

Front Line Demonstrations (cereals):

Front Line Demonstration is one of important mandate of KVK through which KVK demonstrated the important technology to the farmers. FLD is focused on major commodities of the district and the technologies available are used to solve the problems. Under FLD programme major cereals, oilseeds, pulses, cash crops, horticulture crops are covered. The problems of the particular farming situation are studied and available technologies from the parent SAU or NARS is being demonstrated so that farmers could get the maximum returns. Major focus is to reduce the chemical pesticides and fertilizers so that cost of production can also be reduced. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is the concepts commonly followed in different crops. Through FLDs, new varieties are also disseminated among the farmers. Similarly new concepts like foliar fertigation, fertilizer application based on plant nutrient diagnosis system, use of different kinds of traps and lures to control the pests. Use of biopesticides and biofertilizers, use of vermicompost and vermiwash, different pruning technologies etc. are some of the important technologies given to farmers.

KVK gives emphasis on improving productivity of oilseeds and pulses. KVK introduced mustard and lentil rabi crop during the year 2003 in the operational area. Use of rhizobium, foliar nutrient management, use of potash to increase the yield, seed production and harvesting at proper time were some of the interventions along with demonstrations of the new varieties have helped to adopt mustard as a major income source during rabi. The varieties of mustard like Pant pili sarson 1 and lentil like Pusa Masur 5 have shown significant performance in increasing yield over traditional varieties. The farmers are adopting the technological options like use of biofertilizers, foliar feeding of nutrients, micronutrients and water management. Major focus is given only on IPM as there is yield loss up to 20 to 30% due to pests. The techniques like use of pheromone traps, seed treatment with trichoderma, use of mixed crops, use of botanical extracts, bio-agents have been adopted by the farmers. In paddy, FLD was conducted mainly for demonstration of high yielding varieties and IPM for pest and disease management.

Sugarcane is also important crop in the district for which from the year 2004-05, KVK has started to conduct demonstrations in sugarcane on large scale. Total 45 demonstrations were conducted on 90 ha area. The sugarcane growers have mainly adopted integrated pest and nutrients management practices. The average increase in yield is 30.43 per cent. Sucking pest and reddening of the leaves are some of the major problems which are solved through these programmes that have shown an increase in yield by 30 to 35 per cent. Similarly, planting distance and plant geometry were developed through the OFTs which are most suitable for intercultivation as well as increasing the yield of sugarcane.

Front line demonstrations on paddy and wheat are conducted every year in kharif and rabi seasons. The purpose of demonstrations is to show the production potential of the varieties and improved package of practices to the farmers on farmer’s field. The demonstrations also help in assessing the production constraints & the performance of the technologies in the socio-economic conditions of the farmers.

On Farm Testing (OFT)

Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) is one of the most important mandates of the KVK for which On Farm Trials (OFT) are being conducted. The main objective behind TAR is to provide technology to location specific problems to sustain the agriculture. OFT are normally conducted for assessment of proven technology if present technology as well as fine tuning of the technology under various farming situations for understanding its suitability in the farmers’ field.

The On farm testing on various crop productivity, nutrition garden, plant protection, agro forestry are conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Pilibhit.

Vocational Training

The Vocational training on various crop productivity, plant protection, agro forestry, home science and seed production are conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Pilibhit.


The Training on various crop productivity, plant protection, agro forestry, home science and seed production are conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra,Pilibhit.

Improving productivity is a major objective of the KVK. Before implementation of activities, KVK has continuously given major thrust on assessment of Problems, Opportunities, Issues and Needs (POIN) of the farming community. Prior to finalization of annual action plan, KVK analyzes the gaps in adoption of technologies and also collects the information about reasons behind it. The representative Agro Ecological Situation (AES) of the district is the basis while selecting the villages. Similarly before conducting the activities, a benchmark survey is also conducted to record the socio-economic conditions of the villages. For effective implementation of the programme, a group approach is an important methodology for which Farmers Clubs and SHGs are established. Identification of the beneficiaries for training, demonstration, OFTs and other extension activities is done through these groups. This has helped to get a very positive response from the farming community.

Most of the on campus trainings are conducted for imparting the skills through practical training in the instructional units of the KVK. Improving productivity and self-employment generation are the basic objective behind the on campus skill oriented training programmes. Off campus trainings are conducted in the villages particularly on the farmers field where the method demonstration as well as technological output are shown to the trainees. The field of the innovative farmers are the venue to conduct off campus training programmes. Total 885 training programmes were conducted to practicing farmers in the villages. After training programmes, necessary inputs, services and consultancies are made available so that the consultancies were made available so that the technology adoption could be improved. Most of the training programmes are interlinked with the demonstration and trials that are conducted to extend solution to the location specific problems and to improve the productivity. Similarly some programmes are focused to reduce the cost of production, ensure natural resource management particularly soil and water besides improving quality of the produce, where as some programmes are focused for agriculture diversification based on market demand and available local resources.

For employment generation through vocational training, KVK has developed instructional units for imparting skill and practical training. Besides technical skill, KVK has also provided managerial skill so that the trainees can also build up confidence of management of the enterprise. Vocational skills are extended through 194 training programmes for 5107 rural youths. The duration of the training ranges from 3 days to 7 days. KVK has also developed the linkages with different credit and marketing agencies, NABARD and other development departments. Replication of technologies among the farming communities through extension functionaries of line departments and NGO is also an important mandate of KVK. Apart from the recommendations of NARS, the results obtained from different FLDs and OFTs are included in the course curriculum so that the location specific technologies can be faster disseminated through these extension functionaries. KVK conducted total 154 courses covering 3917 extension functionaries of different line departments.

Extension Activities

KVK organizes various extension activities for dissemination of the technologies developed under demonstrations and OFTs. Due to organization of extension activities, the outreach of the KVK has increased. Similarly the farmers who do not have the benefit of training, demonstration and OFTs are also benefited through these activities. KVK organizes annually one to two kisan mela as well as exhibitions.

KVK organizes different activities, like exposure visits, group discussions, workshop and seminars, ex-trainees meet, exhibitions for the members of the Farmers Club and SHGs. KVK participated in 19 state level and 4 national level exhibitions. In these exhibitions KVK has received best stall award and appreciation certificate.

Various mass media have played a key role in dissemination of technologies from the KVK. The major contribution is made by All India Radio particularly Rampur station. The live phone in programme (Hello Kisan) and kisan vidyalaya (Farmer Field School) have become more popular programmes among the farmers of the district where the KVK is making major contribution. Television is another media where KVK has received significant response. KVK also published eight extension literatures on management of pests and diseases in major crops, Soil testing and soil health, Sustainable wheat production and Organic farming, which have been circulated to more than 30,000 farmers.